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Millimeters to Inches Converter

Use our calculation tool to convert quickly between millimeters/millimetres and inches (mm and in), or vice-versa, with results given as both decimal and fraction.

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How many inches are in 1 mm?

1mm = 0.03937008 inches. To convert mm to inches you should divide your figure by 25.4.

Millimeters to inches conversion in fraction form

Our converter allows you to show results as fractions in 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64 inch for millimeter to inch conversions. It is important to note that when you choose this option, the converter will round (up or down) and give you a remainder figure (the difference between the fraction and the full result). For this reason, the fraction result will be slightly smaller or slightly larger.

How many mm in an inch?

1 inch = 25.4mm. To convert inches to millimeters multiply your figure by 25.4. The chart below shows some example conversions, rounded to a maximum of 4 decimal places. Should you wish to convert between centimeters and inches, give the cm to inches converter a try.

How many mm in an inch and a half?

1 1/2 inches = 38.1 mm. To make this calculation, we simply multiply: 25.4 × 1.5.

Millimeters and inches conversion charts

The chart below shows the conversion between millimeters and inches, rounded to a maximum of 4 decimal places (first table) and 3 decimal places (second table).

Conversion of mm to inches
MillimetersInches (decimal)Inches (fraction approx)
1mm0.0394 in1/32 inch
10mm0.3937 in25/64
20mm0.7874 in25/32
30mm1.1811 in1 3/16
40mm1.5748 in1 37/64
50mm1.9685 in1 31/32
60mm2.3622 in2 23/64
70mm2.7559 in2 3/4
80mm3.1496 in3 5/32
90mm3.5433 in3 35/64
100mm3.937 in3 15/16
Note: fraction figures for inches are approximate.
Conversion of inches to mm
1/64 inch0.397 mm1/32 inch0.794 mm
1/16 inch1.588 mm0.1 inch2.54 mm
1/8 inch3.175 mm1/4 inch6.35 mm
1/2 inch12.7 mm3/4 inch19.05 mm
1 inch25.4 mm5 inches127 mm
10 inches254 mm20 inches508 mm
30 inches762 mm40 inches1016 mm
50 inches1270 mm60 inches1524 mm
70 inches1778 mm80 inches2032 mm
90 inches2286 mm100 inches2540 mm
Note: conversions are rounded to maximum 3 decimal places.

My conversion tool can help you convert between millimeters and inches. Should you wish to convert between centimeters and inches, give the cm and inches converter a try. For any other units of height, you may wish to use the height calculator here.