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Grams to Cups

Please choose an ingredient from the list below. A density is required for converting between grams and cups.
Convert between grams and cups for flour, sugar, butter, cream and many more baking recipe ingredients. Ingredient conversion charts can be found further down the page.

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Note that all of the measurements listed in the sections below assume the ingredient is being spooned into the cup. If you're using the 'dip and sweep' method, consider reducing the amount in your cup by 10-15%.

100 grams to cups

Grams (100g) Cups (US) Cups (approx fraction)
100g all purpose flour 0.8 cups4/5 cup
100g bread flour 0.77 cups3/4 cup
100g cake flour 0.88 cups9/10 cup
100g granulated sugar 0.5 cups1/2 cup
100g brown sugar 0.51 cups1/2 cup
100g powdered sugar 0.83 cups4/5 cup
100g butter 0.44 cups2/5 cup

How many cups is 100 grams of flour?

100 grams of all purpose flour is equivalent to 0.8 cups, which is 4/5 of a cup (US).

200 grams to cups

Grams (200g) Cups (US) Cups (approx fraction)
200g all purpose flour 1.6 cups1 3/5 cups
200g bread flour 1.54 cups1 1/2 cups
200g cake flour 1.75 cups1 4/5 cups
200g granulated sugar 1 cup1 cup
200g brown sugar 1 cup1 cup
200g powdered sugar 1.65 cups1 3/5 cups
200g butter 0.88 cups4/5 cup

How many cups is 200 grams of flour?

200 grams of all purpose flour equals 1.6 cups, or 1 3/5 cups (US).

50 grams to cups

Grams (50g) Cups (US) Cups (approx fraction)
50g all purpose flour 0.4 cups2/5 cup
50g bread flour 0.38 cups4/10 cup
50g cake flour 0.44 cups4/10 cup
50g granulated sugar 0.25 cups1/4 cup
50g brown sugar 0.25 cups1/4 cup
50g powdered sugar 0.41 cups4/10 cup
50g butter 0.22 cups1/5 cup

500 grams to cups

Grams (500g) Cups (US) Cups (fraction)
500g all purpose flour 4 cups4 cups
500g bread flour 3.85 cups3 and 4/5 cups
500g cake flour 4.4 cups4 and 4/10 cups
500g granulated sugar 2.5 cups2 and 1/2 cups
500g brown sugar 2.6 cups2 and 6/10 cups
500g powdered sugar 4.15 cups4 and 3/20 cups
500g butter 2.2 cups2 and 1/5 cups

How many cups is 500 grams of flour?

500 grams of all purpose flour is equivalent to 4 cups (US).

Grams to cups for flour

These conversions assume that your flour is being spooned into the cup. Your cup may contain 15% more flour if you use the 'dip and sweep' method, so you may wish to consider reducing the amount in your cup by 10-15% if you use 'dip and sweep'.

Grams of flour Cups (US) Cups (approx fraction)
10g 0.08 cups1/10 cup
20g 0.16 cups1/5 cup
30g 0.24 cups1/4 cup
40g 0.32 cups1/3 cup
50g 0.4 cups2/5 cup
100g 0.8 cups4/5 cup
150g 1.2 cups1 and 1/5 cups
200g 1.6 cups1 and 3/5 cups
250g 2 cups2 cups
300g 2.4 cups2 and 2/5 cups
350g 2.8 cups2 and 4/5 cups
400g 3.2 cups3 and 1/5 cups
450g 3.6 cups3 and 3/5 cups
500g 4 cups4 cups
Note: conversions are for US cups (236.6ml) and all purpose flour

Grams to cups for sugar

These conversions assume you are spooning your sugar into the cup.

Grams of sugar Cups (US) Cups (approx fraction)
10g 0.05 cups1/20 cup
20g 0.1 cups1/10 cup
30g 0.15 cups3/20 cup
40g 0.2 cups1/5 cup
50g 0.25 cups2/5 cup
100g 0.5 cups1/2 cup
150g 0.75 cups3/4 cup
200g 1 cup1 cup
250g 1.25 cups1 and 1/4 cups
300g 1.5 cups1 and 1/2 cups
350g 1.75 cups1 and 3/4 cups
400g 2 cups2 cups
450g 2.25 cups2 and 1/4 cups
500g 2.5 cups2 and 1/2 cups
Note: conversions are for US cups (236.6ml) for granulated sugar

You can find many other ingredients listed in our baking ingredients chart.

Calculator created by Alastair Hazell.


  1. Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. Density Database Version 2.0. https://www.fao.org/3/ap815e/ap815e.pdf
  2. Rose Levy Beranbaum. (1988). The Cake Bible. https://www.realbakingwithrose.com/the-cake-bible

Other baking conversions

To convert between other units involved in baking, such as grams, pounds, tablespoons, teaspoons and more, give our cooking converter a try.